Share An Opportunity (SAO) Zirobwe Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited was started in 2003 and registered with the registrar of cooperatives on 25th March 2003 with registration number 6704/RCS. It is located in Zirobwe Sub County-Kasawo Road, 45Km, Bamunanika County, Luweero district. Share An Opportunity (SAO) – Uganda the development and relief arm of Baptist Union of Uganda facilitated the process of mobilizing community members to start a community owned financial institution so that they could mobilize savings and offer financial services from their own resources. Members who contribute share capital and membership fees own the society. Members elect delegates from their parishes/areas who sit annually in a delegates meeting to plan and offer strategic direction for the society through electing of the board, supervisory committee and Vetting committee as well as receiving annual accountability from the board and approving them, approve annual work plans/budgets and/or policies.
To deliver accessible, sustainable and affordable financial services to our members
A sustainable Financial Institution with Prosperous Members
- To promote cooperative culture among members
- To mobilize members to contribute and strengthen our capital base
- To mobilize members to save from their incomes
- To train members in business skills and management
SAO Zirobwe SACCO values is acronyms as “GPETTA”
- God Fearing
We shall always trust in God for wisdom and Guidance
- Professionalism
We shall always exhibit professionalism in serving our members and other stakeholders
- Equity
We shall always be fair and just to all
- Transparency
We shall always be open, simple and precise in all our dealings
- Teamwork
We shall always consult all stakeholders to ensure all stakeholders’ expectations are met and develop our SACCO as a team
- Accountability
We shall always be answerable to our members for a fair return, responsive to our customer needs and wants and be accountable to all other partners we work with.
Statement of Philosophy.
At SAO Zirobwe SACCO, we believe that provision of sustainable and affordable financial and non-financial services to the economically active poor helps them to eradicate poverty among themselves. As a result, we commit ourselves to remain a responsible corporate citizen guided by the above core values